Vol. IV, No. 4, Spring 1991 / Vol. V, No. 1, Summer 1991

A Special Issue of OzarksWatch

This double issue of OzarksWatch was made possible by the assistance of a panel of professional advisors:

Malcolm "Mac" Berg--Superintendent. Wilson's Creek National Battlefield

John Bradbury, Jr--Archivist and historian. Western Historical Manuscripts. Rolla

Richard Hatcher III--Historian, Wilson's Creek National Battlefield

Leo Huff--Emeritus professor of military history, SMSU and Lt. Colonel USA (ret.)

William Piston, Ph.D.--Assistant professor of military history, SMSU; Civil War historian and author

Thomas Sweeney, M.D. Civil War collector and authority on medical aspects of the war

These advisory panel members deserve special thanks and recognition by both editors and readers. Each of them contributed writings to the issue. and all gave unstintingly of time, hard work and encouragement.

John Bradbury and Rick Hatcher, in particular. did a daunting amount of research in The Official Records (OR) and other sources that makes the the large map which accompanies this issue an authoritative history document. To our knowledge it is the first cartographic representation of the War in the Ozarks.

The editors are also. of course, grateful to our other contributors for their writing, and to our readers for their patience in waiting for this double issue to be prepared and printed. We hope you agree it is worth the wait.

Copyright -- OzarksWatch

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