Vol. IX, No. 2, 1996

Ozarks Dwelling: A Reprise

The Summer, 1988 issue of OzarksWatch was titled "The Places We Call Home: Ozarks Dwelling." At the time, the editors thought that the subject deserved to be revisited sometime in the future. Now is the time. The readership of OzarksWatch has expanded. Probably most present readers did not see the 1988 issue. So here we offer that reprise.

Two articles are reprinted from the 1988 issue: "The Places We Call Home," and "Ozarks Dwellings as Seen From the Road." Some of the illustrations are the same; most are new. The rest of the present issue is all new. We trust that interest in the theme remains as strong as we found it to be eight years ago.


Reshingling festival, Gray-Campbell house
restoration, Springfield, Missouri
(See page 32).


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