Volume 4, Number 7 - Spring 1972

Elverton Claflin


Elverton Claflin first Master of the Forsyth Lodge No. 453 served from 1873 through 1882, 1884, 1885, 1886, and 1887, and was re-elected in 1888, but died on Feb. 19, 1888, having served less than two months of that year.

Neither in the minutes nor in the resolution adopted following Claflin’s death is any mention made of from whence he came or of any family or relations.

However, many an oldtime Mason of the area will tell one that Elverton Claflin was the man who motivated the forming of the Forsyth Lodge.

The minutes say he was 52 years old.

The Resolutions say in part; Resolved, that in the death of our Master, Brother Elverton Claflin, this Lodge laments the loss of a Brother who was ever ready to proffer the hand of aid and the voice of sympathy to the needy and the distressed of the Fraternity, an active member of this society whose utmost endeavors were exerted for its welfare and prosperity, a friend and companion who was dear to us all, a citizen whose upright and model life was a standard of emulation to his fellows.

The minutes again and again mention Claflin as performing some deed for the Lodge. ‘Twas he who went to Carthage to chose the new cornerstone to be placed when the First Lodge Hall was built in old Forsyth.

A bill was allowed Claflin Sept. 6, 1873 for a Lodge seal and a Bible for the use of the Lodge.

May 2, 1874, E.C. Claflin, (that is the only time in the minutes that the middle initial "C" is used.) presented to the Lodge a richly ornamented satin Masonic apron to remain forever Lodge property.

Claflin’s body was buried in the Old Forsyth Cemetery.


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