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The Winter Reading Challenge returns for everyone, especially those who love a challenge. The Library's fifth cold-weather reading event for adults runs January 2-February 29, 2024.

Download a Winter Reading Challenge form (pdf) or pick up a form at the checkout desk of any library branch or Mobile Library. Or, you can complete the challenge online.

Librarians have assembled 15 new reading categories this year. Some will surprise you, some may nudge you out of your comfort zone. All of them are bound to introduce you to some new ideas and new authors.

Read books that match at least five of the 15 categories, turn in your completed challenge form to your library branch and receive the 2024 edition mug for being a Winter Reading Master!

Need help getting started?

Here are suggested titles for each of the 15 challenges.

Library/Bookstore Setting

Historical Fiction Outside the U.S.

Audio Narrated by the Author

Author of Different Race/Religion than Your Own

Made into Movie/TV Show

Neurodivergent Character

Outside Your Comfort Zone

Book Published in 2023

Western Setting

Published Before You Were Born



LGBTQ+ Character

Featuring Music

School Setting