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The Midtown Carnegie Branch Library elevator from the basement to the 2nd floor is not operational. Please ask a staff member if you need assistance. The branch will close for renovations May 6. Find out more.



Imagine Your Song!

Songwriting is a fun and easy way to express your feelings - whether one feels silly, sad or angry, expressing yourself through song can help share and manage those feelings. Mr. Joe has created some challenges to help you build and explore your songwriting skills. 

Visit the Kids Video page to see Mr. Joe’s instructional video to get started on your songwriting. Then watch his other videos to get new clues and tips that will expand your skills!  Kids will learn about choosing words to create lyrics, telling stories with songs, and exploring rhythm.

Best of all, songwriting improves reading and vocabulary skills, so songwriters become better readers. Work together as a family to write some songs and build memories that will last a lifetime!