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Your Next Read

Find great books for your kids with Your Next Read!

Grow Your Garden

Get growing with seeds and books from the Library!

Celebrate National Poetry Month!

Read poetry and create your own in honor of National Poetry Month!

It's Almost Eclipse Time!

Get ready for the eclipse with the Library!

The Adult Winter Reading Challenge Helps Your Kids Too!

Check out the Winter Reading Challenge for Adults!

Play Library Bingo!

It's Library Bingo time!

Help Your Child be a Super Reader with Graphic Novels!

Check out graphic novels for your beginning reader!

Reading Widely? Try Novelist K-8!

Is your child participating in Reading Widely? Try Novelist K-8 to help them find more great books they love!

Books for Scary Season

Books for kids who love scary stories!

The Poetry in Our Lives

Check out this guest post on poetry by local author David Harrison!

Coming Soon: Reading Widely Challenge for Kids & Teens!

Read Widely with the Library!

Honor Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!

Explore the World with CultureGrams!

CultureGrams is a fun - and free! - way to see the world from home or your Library branch!

Back to School: Homework Help From the Library

Get homework help from the Library's resources. Free with your library card!

One Week Left for Summer Reading!

Don't forget to get your Summer Reading prizes!