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Unique Nonfiction for Summer Reads

Just like adults, some kids love to read books about things that are true. Here are a few new books on unique topics to feed that curiosity!

How to Speak Flower: A Kid's Guide to Buds, Blooms, and Blossoms by Molly Williams





Timelines of Nature by Steven Carton and others





Some of These are Snails by Carter Higgins





Exoplanets: A Guide to the Worlds Outside Our Solar System by Wendy Bjazevich





Spark, Shine, Glow! What a Light Show by Lola M. Schaefer





Glow: The Wild Wonders of Bioluminescence by Jennifer N.R. Smith





Unseen Jungle: The Microbes That Secretly Control Our World by Eleanor Spicer Rice, PhD





Listen to the Language of the Trees: A Story of How Forests Communicate Underground by Tera Kelley





Wonderfully Wired Brains by Louise Gooding







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