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The Library's Early Literacy Program

The Library's Early Literacy Program


Alphabet Play!

By Jennifer in the Youth Services Office

Singing The Alphabet Song is not the only way to enjoy learning about letters! Did you know that you don’t even have to hold a pencil to be able to create letters and words? Making letters can be as simple as tracing a shape with your finger, driving a toy car around a letter-shaped road, or rolling dough. The possibilities are endless! Here are a few ideas to get you started with letter exploration:

Create a Salt Tray 

Fill a shallow tray or plate with a thick layer of salt. Print or write alphabet cards to show your child. Have your child form the letter in the salt with a fingertip using the card as a guide. Once your child has mastered gripping a pencil, you can use an unsharpened pencil or eraser end for this activity.

Paint Some Rocks 

Collect a group of pebbles and write a letter on each pebble with a permanent marker. Using one letter at a time, introduce the letter and the sound it makes. Next, write the same letters on a large piece of paper. Create a game matching the pebbles to the letters on the paper. Once they’ve mastered identifying the letters, you can move on to matching words with multiple pebbles.

Paper Plate Puzzles 

Write a large letter on a paper plate and cut it into a few pieces. Give your child the plate pieces. Show them how it fits together to make a letter. Mix the puzzle up and allow your child to try to reassemble it. Once they finish the puzzle, ask if they remember the letter or sound.

Here are some books from the Library to get your little one excited about letters. Be sure to ask a librarian for more suggestions!

I Spy Letters by Jean Marzollo & Walter Wick






Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr., John Archambault & Lois Ehlert





LMNO Peas by Keith Baker





Questions or need more ideas? Email