Collect pictures to go with your child's favorite songs and nursery rhymes, like a drawing of a teapot for "I'm a little teapot". Glue or tape these pictures to index cards. Let your child pick a card, and do the rhyme together. You could pick one rhyme for the whole day, or pick as many different cards as your child wants!
Oh, the grand old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men.
He marched them up to the top of the hill, (hold baby up)
And he marched them down again. (hold baby downwards)
And when they were up they were up. (hold up)
And when they were down they were down. (hold down)
And when they were only half way up (hold baby midway)
They were neither up nor down! (move up and down)
Oh, he marched them to the left. (put baby on your left leg)
He marched them to the right. (move baby to your right leg)
He even marched them upside down! (tip upside down)
Oh, wasn't that a sight!