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The Library's Early Literacy Program

The Library's Early Literacy Program

For Toddlers

A Love Books Activity for Toddlers

I Love Trucks!

Love Books Have fun reading books you and your child enjoy.


I Love Trucks!

You might notice that your toddler is starting to have clear preferences about books...and everything else! When you notice your child has a special interest in something, go to the Library to find more books about it. Connecting children's interests to stories is a great way to love books!


Drive Your Truck

(To the tune of: "Row Your Boat")

Drive, drive, drive your truck,
All around the town!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Up the hills and down.

Turn, turn, turn the key,
Make the engine roar!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Let’s go to the store.

Press, press, press the pedal,
Give the engine gas!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Now we’re going fast!

Turn, turn, turn the wheel,
That is how we steer!
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Make a turn right here!

Push, push, push the brake,
Make the car slow down,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Now we are in town!


Click the book jackets to find these books and more at the Library.

Find these books at

  • Wake Up, Trucks!
  • Wake Up, Trucks! by Jodie Parachini
  • Big Truck Playdate
  • Big Truck Playdate by Laurie Carmody
  • The Great Truck Switcheroo
  • The Great Truck Switcheroo by Bob Shea


Our interactive storytimes introduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.

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