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The Library's Early Literacy Program

The Library's Early Literacy Program

For Babies

A Love Books Activity for Babies

Choose a Story

Love Books Have fun reading books you and your child enjoy.


Choose a Story

Babies like to choose their books too! When baby is playing or doing tummy time, put two or three books nearby that he can get to. Start to notice if there is a particular book he likes best. It may be a type of book - faces, bright colors and textures all tend to grab an older baby's attention. Mix it up from time to time, but always keep those favorites on hand!


Two Little Eyes

Two little eyes to look around,
Two little ears to hear each sound,
One little nose to smell what's sweet,
And one little mouth that likes to eat!


Click the book jackets to find these books and more at the Library.

Find these books at

  • I See You, Baby!.
  • I See You, Baby!. by .
  • Breakfast.
  • Breakfast. by .
  • You Are New
  • You Are New by Lucy Knisley


Our interactive storytimes introduce young children to books, reading and language with stories, songs and activities. Parents learn fun ways to build the early literacy skills their children need to learn to read.

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