The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri

The Library follows all laws, rules and regulations of the State of Missouri pertaining to libraries and political subdivisions, including, but not limited to, Missouri Revised Statutes Chapters 34, 67, and 182 and Missouri Code of State Regulations.

The Library District will endeavor to obtain the greatest value for every tax dollar expended.  We will compare prices in order to purchase at the lowest price goods and services that meet the specifications and requirements set by the Library and that are in compliance with state statutes and federal guidelines.  We will encourage the submission of proposals from local vendors including certified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE), minority business enterprises (MBE) or women business enterprises (WBE) but will not limit our purchases to local vendors in order to get maximum value.

All purchases over $2,500 must be reviewed and approved by the Library Executive Director or his/her designee.  This does not apply to the purchase of materials for the library collection.
Any purchases of $75,000 or more require a formal bid (with a goal of obtaining at least three bids) with the exception of motor vehicles, speakers for events, programs, training, or if the vendor is the sole source for the product.  The formal bid process is described in the purchasing procedures.

Any non-budgeted building or renovation project over $50,000 must be approved by the Board of Trustees.

Approved by Library Board October 16, 2018