Changes coming to MOBIUS soon! Find out more.

The Midtown Carnegie Branch Library elevator from the basement to the 2nd floor is not operational. Please ask a staff member if you need assistance. The branch will close for renovations May 6. Find out more.

The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri
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Interviewing with Ease

Job interviews provide an opportunity for you and a prospective employer to learn more about one another and evaluate whether you are right for each other. With a little basic preparation, you can take a lot of the stress out of the interview process and improve your chances of making a good impression.

Before the Interview:

At the Interview:

After the Interview:


If you feel confident in your knowledge of the prospective employer, the requirements of the position you’re interested in, your own qualifications as they relate to the position, and what kinds of questions to expect, you’ll find the interview process much less daunting and your performance that much more impressive.

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