Search Census Data with My Congressional District
Did you know...
- That there are almost 15,000 more females than males living in Missouri’s Congressional District 7?
- That only 1,011 of the 751,514 people living in this district use public transport to get to work?
- That 9,479 are of Swedish descent?
The U.S. Census gathers a wide range of statistics that tell us how Americans live, work and study. This information can be useful not only to businesspeople and politicians, but to the average citizen simply interested in learning more about their community.
My Congressional District, a new interactive tool using the most up-to-date data from the American Community Survey, makes it easier to find basic demographic information as well as statistics on education, finance, jobs, and housing for every congressional district in the U.S. Users can quickly isolate the information they need and share it on Facebook or Twitter, download it to their computers, or embed it on their personal webpages. To use the tool, just select your state and district number (map provided if you're unsure) and click on an icon to view a list of statistics.
Navigating the Census Bureau website can be overwhelming if you're not used to sifting through census data. My Congressional District gathers all of that information and makes it available in one easy-to-use tool.
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