November 4 General Election
With 33% voter turnout, the election results for Greene County are in. View a summary from the County Clerk's office.
The general election will take place on November 4. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Be sure to bring one valid form of identification [pdf] with you.
If you aren't sure if your registration is valid or where your polling place is, go to the Voter Registration Lookup and enter your personal information. You will see a result that verifies if you are registered to vote at your current address and lists your polling place. You may also be able to view sample ballots for your precinct.
Plan to be out of town on Election Day? If something will keep you from voting on November 4, you may be eligible for absentee voting. The County Clerk's office lists the qualifications and procedures for absentee voting in Greene County. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail is Wednesday, October 29.
The ballot includes candidates for:
- U.S. Representative
- State Auditor
- State Senator
- State Representatives
- Greene County Presiding Commissioner
- Greene County Clerk of the Circuit Court
- Greene County Clerk
- Greene County Recorder of Deeds
- Greene County Prosecuting Attorney
- Greene County Collector of Revenue
- Greene County Auditor
- Missouri Supreme Court Judge
- Missouri Court of Appeals Judge
- Circuit Judge
- Associate Circuit Judges
Also included on the ballot:
- Four Constitutional Amendments
- Willard School District bond issue
Learn more:
- Springfield News-leader -- Politics and Government
- Vote 411 -- Enter your address for a personalized ballot and learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues
- You can view a sample ballot [pdf] for the November 4th general election on the Greene County Clerk's website.
- If you'd like to view a list of candidates by party, you can do so on the party websites. Select the party website to view the appropriate lists: Greene County Republican Party, Greene County Central Democratic Committee, Missouri Libertarian Party, Constitution Party of Missouri.
If you would like to pick up a print copy of the Greene and Christian County Voters Guide, stop by any of our library branch locations!
Once you have voted, continue to be involved in local, state and even national government. View the Contacting Your Government Research Guide for an explanation of several government offices and how to contact your elected officials.
For additional information contact the Greene County Clerk's office at 417-868-4055 or the Missouri Secretary of State's office at 800-669-8683.
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