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Books & Authors

Books to get you Ready for NaNoWriMo

Whether you're new to writing, or you've been at it for a lifetime, National Novel Writing Month is a great excuse to put some words on some pages! Get inspired, avoid writer's block, and learn a bit more about the craft with these great titles. 

And once you're ready, take your talents and ideas to our NaNoWriMo Write In! Meet up with other writers and work together every Monday in November at our Midtown Carnegie Branch Library branch from 4:00 - 7:00 pm 

Tips from Bestsellers

 On Writing by Stephen King 
This one is half-memoir, half advice. You may not like King's brand of fiction, but the advice is sound for anyone, and the facts of his life are engaging and interesting. 


 How I Write by Janet Evanovich 
Evanovich shares a picture of the life of a fulltime writer, the world of the publishing industry, and details how she develops the nuts and bolts of a story.


 Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin
This short and sweet text delves into the fundamentals of fiction writing, and langauge. Le Guin explores examples from famous books, and provides group and individual activities to take on. 




The Making of a Story
This highly detailed text will cover all of the bases. With tons of examples and excercises at the end of every chapter, it is like a creative writing class packed into a book. 


 The Writing Life
This book from the Washington Post brings together essays from over fifty 20th century writers. A compilation that is bound to go places you never expect, and will surely give you a new perspective on the art.

 Now Write! Science fiction, fantasy, and horror
We all know these genres have all the fun! This book features excercises to get your ideas flowing, and sound advice from the pros on constructing worlds, creating fantastic characters, and developing perfect plot twists.


 Ozark Writers on Writing
Check out this book for unique and helpful tips and tricks from writers in your own backyard. No one knows what it's like to be a writer in Greene county like these folks!




 The Elements of Style by William Strunk & E.B. White
The absolute classic of writing advice books. First published almost 100 years ago this book is still a favorite of teachers, and is full of relevant suggestions for clear and interesting writing. 


 Everything Grammar and Style Book
This simple book covers all of the basics and some, introducing you to the nuances and crannies of written English. Read up, and prevent a small mistake from ruining a good story. 


 Woe is I
You can never have enough good grammar! Another great text that tackles the building blocks of our language in a simple format. Ready for all of your punctuation challenges! 



 My Weird Writing Tips
Presents a humorous and informative guide to writing that comines helpful styl rules with story idead and writing prompts as well as advice on how to write a story that is engaging.


 Leap Write in!
Writing is inspired by life, and life can be understood through writing. This book presents and inward-bound way to shake things up and unleash what you most need and want to say. 

   Science Fiction in 5 Simple Steps




 Fantasy in 5 Simple Steps




 Horror in 5 Simple Steps

This series of books covers all your favorite genres, guiding you along the process of taking your inspiration, planning out your work, and getting down to the real business of writting. 


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