The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri
Community Matters

COVID-19 Pandemic Community Resources

This list of reliable sources can answer your questions and concerns related to services during the coronavirus pandemic.


Wash Your Hands

First, a reminder from Springfield-Greene County Health Director Clay Goddard: "The CDC says handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Learn when and how you should wash your hands to stay healthy."


COVID-19 Testing Available in Greene County

Testing restrictions have been relaxed, allowing for more citizens to qualify for a COVID-19 test. If you are experiencing symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell) or have been exposed to COVID-19, you will likely qualify. The test is covered by most health insurance companies and there will be no co-pays for COVID-19 testing for MO HealthNet participants. You will schedule an exam with your regular healthcare provider.

SGCHD Testing Information:

SGCHD COVID-19 Hotline: 417-874-1211  


Help for Older Adults

SeniorAge Area Agency on Aging is posting the most updated information for the latest breaking news relating to seniors.


Do you qualify for benefits?

If you lost income or health insurance due to COVID-19, you may now qualify for help. 

Missouri Family Support Division

Accessing Government Assistance in Greene County


How to help local relief efforts

The Community Foundation of the Ozarks, Community Partnership of the Ozarks and the United Way of the Ozarks are working as a triad to coordinate the response of the nonprofit community. Anyone who would like to donate money or otherwise assist in relief efforts throughout this crisis should start at


211 Help Service

211 is a vital service that connects millions of people to the help they need.


Help for Hospitality Workers

Applications for the Mother's Industry Support Fund are now being accepted. Donate at

Unemployed hospitality workers in Springfield can apply for up to $150 in assistance from the fund at


Mental Health Support for Front Line Health Care Workers

Burrell Behavioral Health launched a series of free psychoeducational videos and a telephonic support group for front line health care workers. 


Where to find community resources

Community Partnership of the Ozarks continues to update its list of resources of how to help and where to find help.


Where to find food assistance

Do you need help finding food assistance? Click here to see a full list of Ozarks Food Harvest pantry partners. Many food pantries have changed their hours and services, so please call before planning your visit.


Economic, Health, Housing Help from Prosper Springfield

Prosper Springfield is a collective impact initiative focused on a shared community vision to improve economic mobility in the Springfield community. Its mission is to build community relationships and align community resources to create pathways that help move people to prosperity. The website features resources related to education, health, housing, job/financial security and transportation. Visit and click "Get Help" to find information related to almost any area need.
In addition, here is the link to the Missouri Services Navigator. This is a website through Missouri Division of Workforce Development that allows individuals to search for programs and services by location.


Free Legal Advice from the American and Missouri Bar Associations

The website is an online legal clinic created by the American Bar Association and administered by The Missouri Bar. This service has recently expanded its guidelines to help even more Missouri citizens of modest means receive answers to legal questions, at no cost, from licensed Missouri lawyers.


Connectivity for people who don't have it


The Paycheck Protection Plan

The Paycheck Protection Plan restarted on April 27, 2020. The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed to provide a direct incentive for small businesses to keep their workers on the payroll. The U.S. Small Business Administration will forgive loans if all employees are kept on the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities.The deadline to apply is June 30, 2020. 


Economic Impact Payments

For questions regarding the economic impact payments (aka stimulus checks):


City Utilities Transit Services Changes

On Sunday, March 22, 2020, CU Transit Service will be operating on a modified schedule and routes. The schedule and routes will be in effect until further notice. Schedule and route modifications are listed below. Additional route information is available at or by calling the CU Transit office at 417-831-8782, Monday – Friday.


Access Express will be available during all of the scheduled hours of service. At this time the Transit Center at 211 N. Main Ave. will remain open for service to CU Transit customers.

Customer Service

(417) 831-8782
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Outdoor Pools

Due to several weeks of facility closures and a city-wide hiring freeze caused by COVID-19, Park Board lifeguard certification and hiring has been interrupted, and staff availability is currently limited.

Without enough lifeguards, Park Board’s outdoor pools are not able to open as normally scheduled. Outdoor pools will remain closed through the end of June, with the goal of opening at least one pool by early July. Updates will be announced.

Read more about the Park Board's Coronavirus response here.


Hospital visitor restrictions  

CoxHealth Visitor Restrictions:

Mercy Visitor Restrictons:


Mobility Reports from Google

Google is now producing mobility reports showing the change in traffic to six key areas due to COVID.  Attached is the most current one for Missouri.  This shows data for the state, but then also breaks it down by county. The website is here:

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