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Resources to Help Your Business Weather the COVID-19 Crisis

Businesses are facing unprecedented challenges as the spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives and communities. As information, government response, and funding sources continue to rapidly evolve, there are a number of resources and organizations that can help Greene County businesses understand and begin to adapt to these difficult times.

MOSourceLink Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Resources and Updates

MOSourceLink is a one-stop shop for businesses and entrepreneurs to identify and connect with resource organizations and events in the state that can help start or grow a business. Talk with a Resource Navigator to find the help and information you need now for your business. The recently launched COVID-19 page includes frequently updated information about finance and funding options and other resources useful to businesses experiencing disruption due to the pandemic.

SBA Coronavirus Relief Funding Options

Learn more about the temporary funding and relief programs for businesses established by the CARES Act. Initial funding for some programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Assistance Disaster Loans has lapsed as of the writing of this post, but business owners may still want to contact their local lender to ask if they are accepting applications while Congress discusses whether to appropriate additional funding for these popular programs.

SBDC COVID-19 Resources

The Missouri Small Business Development Center at Missouri State University serves 16 counties in southwest Missouri. Business owners can sign up for a free virtual meeting with a business consultant. Check out its Disaster Recovery Guide for Small Businesses, its Checklist for Business Disruption Response, training calendar, archived webinar library with webinars on topics such as forced unemployment and reducing operating costs, and a number of other links to timely information.

CDC COVID-19 site

The CDC offers guidance specifically for businesses and employers on topics such as preparing your workplace and employees for the effects of COVID-19, proper disinfection procedures, reducing transmission among employees, and more.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Small Business Guide

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s coronavirus page is updated daily with new content, including ways businesses are changing and adapting to new circumstances, funding and tax information, and live virtual learning opportunities. Don’t forget to also connect with resources offered by our local chambers of commerce, including the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, the Republic Chamber of Commerce, and the Willard Chamber of Commerce.

SCORE of Southwest Missouri

SCORE offers free business mentoring. While in-person SCORE workshops are canceled for the time being, SCORE still offers on-demand business courses and recorded webinars, including some addressing COVID-19 issues that affect businesses.

Don’t forget the resources that are available to you and your business for free with your Springfield-Greene County Library card. If you’re considering how your business needs to adapt to serve a new market, employ new technology to provide or market your products or services, or communicate better virtually, is a good place to start. Lynda offers self-paced online classes on hundreds of topics. Classes that may be particularly relevant to business responding to the COVID-19 crisis include “Advice for Leaders During in a Crisis,” “Start a Business Online,” “Ecommerce Fundamentals,” “Learning Zoom,” and a huge variety of courses on digital marketing and related software. 

If you don’t yet have a Springfield-Greene County Library card, you can sign up for a temporary card online while the Library is closed due to the stay-at-home order. If you need assistance locating the right resources to help your business during the closure, the Library continues to offer both Ask-a-Librarian for email reference assistance, or dial 417-882-0714 to reach our Infoline for phone-based reference assistance.



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