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Which Christmas Tree is right for you?!?

Artificial vs Real Christmas Trees...a big Christmas decision!

Artificial Trees 

They cost more up front, but can be reused every year. They do not leave pine needles all over the house. You do not have to water them. They are less of a fire hazard than real trees.  Pets will not be as attracted to them as the real trees.

However, artificial trees are not healthy for the environment. They are made from non reusable materials. 


Real Trees

They are beautiful and smell wonderful.  They release fresh oxygen into the air.  Most tree lots have a variety of choices to fill your Christmas need.

However, they can be messy and sticky. They require water daily. In the long run, they are more expensive. 

Here are a few websites to further help you decide.

Artificial vs Real 

Pros & Cons



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