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The Midtown Carnegie Branch Library will be closed for renovations beginning May 6, 2024. Find out more.

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Finding Classmates and Relatives

Reference USA Residential* allows you to do a basic search by last name, first name, city or state.  You can enter information into one or all of these boxes based on the information you know.  You can create a custom search to locate a person by area code, county and state or an entire state.

The Polk City Directory is available at the Reference Desk to search for those who may still live in Springfield.  You can look up information based on street address, last name and phone number. 

AnyWho and Superpages allow you to search for an individual by last name.  Leaving the state empty allows the search to run nationwide.  AnyWho will allow you to search by street address.  Superpages can run a search and include surrounding areas in case they live in a suburb of a city. 

Many try to use Google to search for an individual.  The results may provide you with a hint of information, but some Web sites will charge you a fee to see the full page of information.

Don't forget social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, and Classmates, that allow you to register as an alumnus of a particular school (some charge a fee) and see others who have registered with the same school.


* Library card required for use outside the Library

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