The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri
Local History

League of Women Voters

Suffrage Luncheon 1919

"The Women’s Equal Suffrage League held its last luncheon at Heer’s Tea Room yesterday under the old name. The name was changed at that meeting to that of 'League of Women Voters.' The meeting was presided over by Mrs. E.H. McKay. Plans were discussed for a series of talks to be given at the monthly luncheons on civic questions. Mrs. William Ullmann, state chairman of the child welfare department of the League of Women Voters, gave a report of the St. Louis meeting of the organization. The speaker stated that the work of her committee would be to assist in passing better laws for the benefit of women and children and in enforcing those already passed."

Leader, Nov 13, 1919

The photograph above is of members of the League of Women Voters that participated in a "Get out the votes" parade in September 1955.

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