The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri

Jose Iturbi, famous classical pianist, entertains patients. According to article in the Springfield Leader & Press, 4-30-45, p. 10, Iturbi was in town on a concert tour. The article also names these two men in particular: "Pvt. George Von Liski of Chicago, a slender young fellow who sat on the front row, crutch under his seat, eyes following every movement of the pianist's hands. (In the picture, Von Liski stands directly behind Mr. Iturbi's chair.)" Von Liski told Iturbi he was also a pianist. "...Sgt. Klayman [Al Klayman of Chicago] is the laughing young man in the front row, nearest Mr. Iturbi's shoulder." Others in the photo: "Sgt. Mur Mivica, Philadelphia; Pvt. Louis Gus, Detroit; Pvt. William Lumi, Philadelphia; Pvt. Darwin McNineh, Fond du Lac, Wis.; Pvt. Bob Nolan, Cleveland; Staff Sgt. Joseph Martorano, St. Louis; Staff Sgt. Raymond Rodriguez, Del Rio, Tex.; T-5 Raymond Stammen, Minot, N. Dak."

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