All Library branches will be closed and the Mobile Library will not make its scheduled stops on Monday, October 14, for staff training.

MOBIUS Information

The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri
Funding & Nonprofits

Tools for Nonprofits

The Funding Information Center's free Nonprofit Event Planning Calendar provides local nonprofit organizations the opportunity to post important information such as workshops, meetings, conferences and fundraising events. The calendar provides event visibility and a schedule of important events to avoid conflicting dates.

This nonprofit community calendar is dedicated solely to nonprofit events in and around Greene County. If you would like to post your organization's information to the calendar, please email  

Southwest Missouri Nonprofits - LinkedIn Group
Join the one-stop networking spot for nonprofits in southwest Missouri. Discuss current issues, exchange information, and post needs and requests. Our numbers are growing and we have a wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips.

Post anytime to the Southwest Missouri Nonprofits group and get answers, opinions and suggestions from area nonprofit professions. Southwest Missouri Nonprofits Group offers an exceptional opportunity to reach out to the people that you want to talk to most.

The Directory of Community Organizations
The Directory is a listing of more than 800 nonprofit clubs, agencies and organizations in the Springfield metropolitan area. It includes mail, email and Web addresses and phone, fax, toll-free, hotline and TTY(TDD) numbers. The Directory can be viewed and printed in full online, or it can be checked out at any Library branch. The Directory is also available for purchase at any Library branch or Between Friends Gift Shop for $10.00.

Do you want to be in The Directory? Let us know about your nonprofit club, agency or organization. Submit your organization's information online, contact Community Relations at 417-883-5366, or print and send this form (PDF) to be included in the next print edition of The Directory and the continuously updated online version.

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