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Does Free Will Exist?

A growing group of neuroscientists and philosophers hold that free will is an illusion. More

The Science of Grieving

The subject of death and dying, although commonplace and part of the life cycle, is often difficult to think or talk about, especially when it happens close to you. Historically, care for the dead was done by one's own family or community members. In our current culture, the process of dealing with corpses is more removed and sterile. How has that changed the grieving process?   More

Buzzing about Bees

Honey bees have been in the headlines recently with stories about colony collapse and crop failures due to lack of pollination. The mystery of their decline has even seeped into popular culture, receiving several mentions on the BBC show Doctor Who. What causes this alarming collapse, and is it too late to save the humble bee?   More

Cosmos Reborn

Fox and National Geographic recently launched a sequel series to Carl Sagan's classic "Cosmos: A Personal Voyage," a beloved mini-series that took viewers on a fantastic journey through space and time, back to the very beginning of the universe. More

DARPA Robotics Challenge

 A military-funded competition encourages the creation of advanced robots for use in dangerous scenarios. More

Pondering the Importance of Light

One need not look far for a reminder of how useful light is in everyday life. Headlights, streetlights and traffic lights make our daily travels safer, the lights at home and work allow us to be functional well after dark. There is so much more to light than meets the eye.  More

Exploring the Atmosphere of Mars

Monday, Nov. 18, 2013 marks the launch of NASA's MAVEN mission to Mars.  MAVEN will orbit Mars, exploring its upper atmosphere and ionosphere in an attempt to understand how solar exposure may have affected the habitability of the planet. More

The Revolutionary History of DNA

2013 marks the 60th anniversary of the discovery of deoxyribonucleic acid by Dr. James D Watson and Professor Francis Crick. The mysterious substance known affectionately as DNA plays a key role in everything from archaeology to zoology to genealogy.  More

Endangered Species

Does your heart melt every time you think about the possibility of pandas, gorillas, or dolphins becoming extinct? More

Pi Day Is Almost Here!

Math teachers everywhere are rejoicing because their favorite math holiday is almost here! More

The End of the World as We Know It?

Doomsday predictions making you nervous? Worried about the Maya calendar, planetary alignments or the mysterious Nibiru? Get the facts about 12/21/12 from those in the know. More

Seasonal Influenza

October marks the beginning of flu season. Get answers to your questions and find out where to get vaccinated. More

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