The Library Springfield-Greene County Library District Springfield, Missouri

The End of the World as We Know It?

Doomsday predictions making you nervous? Worried about the Maya calendar, planetary alignments or the mysterious Nibiru? Get the facts about 12/21/12 from those in the know. More

Hunting Morels

April marks the height of morel season in Southwest Missouri. Join the avid hunters taking to woods and fields in search of this elusive mushroom.  More

Springing Forward

On March 11, we’ll set the clocks ahead by one hour as we observe the beginning of Daylight Saving Time. Though the idea to move an hour of daylight from morning to evening seems obvious, its history is fraught with starts, stops and numerous revisions. More

Beyond the Groundhog

Winter is on its way and many of us would like some indication of how long, how hard or how eventful the season will be. Unfortunately, long-term weather forecasting is not only frequently inaccurate, but often considered impossible. What can we do? More

The Next Step for NASA:

Although the return of Atlantis marked the end of the United States’ space shuttle program, NASA has no shortage of ambitious missions already underway. More

Periodic Updates

This June marked the arrival of two newcomers to the periodic table of elements. If you haven’t given the table a second thought since chemistry class you may be surprised to find out what it takes to make the cut. More

A Plague of Locusts?

Not quite, but this spring will be one of the loudest in years as millions of singing insects blanket much of Missouri. Find out what the emergence of a brood of thirteen-year cicadas means for 2011. More

Wildlife Watching

Spring is just around the corner and we’re not the only ones stirring after a long, cold winter. . . . More