RESEARCH › Automotive
Access to these databases was purchased for you by the Springfield-Greene County Library. A valid Library card is required to access these databases from outside the Library.
Academic Search Elite
Searchable full-text for more than 2,100 scholarly journals, including 1,700 peer-reviewed journals.
Auto Repair Source
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Find repair information for all types of vehicles from 1974 to present.
Helps new drivers study state manuals and take driving practice tests based on the real DMV written exams.
Gale Ebooks
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A collection of reference ebooks on the topics of business, biographies, science, history and social issues.
MasterFILE Premier
Full-text periodicals on subjects like business, health, education, science, and general reference. This database also contains full text of reference books, primary source documents and an image collection of over 510,000 photos, maps & flags.